Monday, March 21, 2022

Moi: Then And Now

So here I am again, scrounging through my archived files. This time, it's for a flashback look at me.  

First of, from a baby album which has surprisingly survived through the years. Ragged. With pictures and writing all faded. 

Mum recorded my first words on there, thus:

Da-da, Ma-ma, tum here (come here), tus (shoes), mik (milk)

At one year old, pic entered in a Healthy Baby contest. I didn't win. Quezon City: 1945

Manila: 1946

She noted my first sentence spoken at one year, seven months: Mummie, buy me a'pop.

It looks like I was pretty behaved at a young age. 

She wrote: My little Adoracion is so faithful in her duty of keeping her toys in order after playing with them. She never destroys any of her playthings, unlike any child of her age. I have often felt sorry if any of her toys are broken or gone due to her playmates' carelessness.

At the young age of two, Doris likes very much to use dresses with flowers. She chooses them after every bath - 'Mummie, this one with pawers.'

Then here's this description of me from 19 years ago by First Daughter.

Wha?!! That's why I've chosen to be a teetotaler.

Now this, with a few more pounds, thanks to a four-day birthday eating bash. Why not? Only once in a lifetime does one turn 77 years young.

DAY ONE: March 20
Dim sum lunch at Legend Seafood Restaurant

An afternoon toast to me at the backyard beach

Pre-birthday dinner with Eldest Daughter and family at Elks Lodge

A random wave splashed up the deck toward our dinner table and onto the front of my blouse at Elks. I hadn't thought much about its significance until Younger Daughter said, Birthday blessings! 

My Mum would have said the same thing.

DAY TWO: March 21

An oceanfront breakfast at the Barefoot Beach Cafe

Haupia malasada and azuki bean shaved ice morning snack

Happy Hour at Roy's Eating House 

The day had come to an end.

It was one of my perfect days. 

All Waikiki photos: V.E.V. March 2022

DAY THREE: March 22

Lunch at Duke's with visiting elementary/high school classmate and his wife

The shared hula pie was delish! 

DAY FOUR: March 25 

My best of all days - at Seafood City, a mecca for Filipino foodies, where we enjoyed a Pampano fish and sauteed bittermelon lunch and a colossal dessert of ube halo-halo. Life can't get better than this.

Mwah! I've really come a long way. 

May I have many more birthdays to come!

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