Saturday, October 1, 2022

April Love

My Songs

April Love is a song by Pat Boone, also used in a 1957 movie with the same title, starring Pat Boone and Shirley Jones.


We love music for the buried hopes, the garnered memories, the tender feelings it can summon at a touch. - Letitia Landon

Music is the way our memories sing to us across time. 

Thus I'm reprising past years with some of My Songs, starting with this one, way back in high school.

Pat Boone's April Love.

April love is for the very young

Every star's a wishing star that shines for you.

Humming along while listening to this tune on the radio was really the first music I was ever connected to.

When pimples were living on my face but I didn't see some rent. 

When in my early teens, I started to grow up and noticed boys' looks, whereas before I had thought boys had as much personality as coat hangers.

It was that time before my heart knew to protect itself. When everything important was raw and exposed. 

That moment when I felt like flying or jumping because my crush just smiled at me.

When conversely, I got depressed because my sweetie didn't come to school.

It's funny how a melody can sound like a memory. 

Of sudden showers that could grow flowers for my bouquet.

Of a certain smile that made my heart skip. 

Of that time in my life when love was all of the seven wonders.

(To be continued)

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