Saturday, October 8, 2022


My Songs

Imagine is a song by Beatles musician John Lennon from his 1971 album of the same name.


The music of memory has its own pitch, which not everyone hears. - Anonymous

Freedom and unity.

In mid-college, naive about the world and plagued by concerned parents, I semi-divulged in activism that was in vogue at the time. I joined the band wagon of dreamers who imagined an idealistic scenario where everyone would live life in peace.

I tagged alongside the banner-carrying throng chanting, To the wrongs that need resistance, to the right that needs assistance, to the future in the distance, give yourselves.

We swayed to the tune of Lennon's Imagine, brandishing hope, love, and trust in a world where there is no heaven. 

No hell below us. Above us only sky.

I imagined all the people living for today.

Nothing to kill or die for. No religion, too.

Longing for a world that will be as one. 

(To be continued)

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