Saturday, May 25, 2024

I Dream Of You


But when I dream, I dream of you

Maybe someday you will come true. - 

Lyrics of song by country music artist Crystal Gayle, 1979 

You know what's good about dreaming?

You can be with people who are impossible to be with in reality.

So, what does it mean when you dream about someone?

Carl Jung says that dreaming about someone close to you or someone who is important to you might represent how you feel about that person in real life.

On the other hand, if you dream about a person you are not close with (such as someone in your past) or an unknown person, ask yourself. What’s the issue? Is there some sort of disagreement between you two? Or, is this person going through something and you’re trying to figure out how to help them through it?

Research shows that usually the context of the dream will give you more clues.

Do you keep fighting with this person in the dream, for example, even though in real life everything’s fine? Well then, ask yourself, Is there something you’re angry about in regards to this person or your relationship?

According to another study, dreaming about a person may indicate that the latter is actually missing or thinking about you.

And if the person is someone you like, the hardest part is having to wake up.


This marks the end of this amateur dream interpretation series.

I hope you had fun!

Legend says when you can't sleep at night, it's because you're awake in someone else's dream.

So, if everyone could stop dreaming about me, that would be great.

May the silent hour of night bring you blissful dreams, revealing to your charmed sight what may not bless the waking eyes.

(The end)


Saturday, May 18, 2024

I've Forgotten My Lines



A faithful reader sent a response about a "dream often of flying."

But the flying is never effortless. I have to get a running start and jump into the air to start to fly. Sometimes it takes several tries.

Like you, dear reader, I often have dreamt of flying. However, my flight is easy and natural that even I am amazed. 

So, what do all these mean? 

According to Tony Crisp, author of Dream Dictionary, dreams about flying often have two very different sides. They can represent feelings of freedom and independence. On the other hand, they can also indicate a desire to flee or escape from the realities of life.

Another reader shared dreaming about... wait for it... a pet gerbil. It had gotten out of its cage, was all over the place, eating seeds off the cage's perimeter, and cavorting with the household cats. 

I didn't think I could find data on this topic, but here it is.

To see a gerbil in your dream means hyperactivity and vitality. It may imply that you are looking for social movement or camaraderie. Dreaming of a gerbil symbolizes subdued feelings. You are removing yourself from others so that you won't wind up getting damage.

If you see it moving back and forth, this implies that things are happening or that there is an energetic atmosphere around you.


Life's a stage and you only get one performance. Make it a good one. - Anonymous

On the subject of recurring dreams, mine is that of being on stage and not knowing my lines.

In my dream, the words had stalled in my throat. I was hesitating, frowning.

I'd try to open my mouth, but all that came out was a hiss of breath.

What is the significance of all that?

According to studies, being in a play, in the first place, can represent a sense of performance or putting on a façade in your waking life. You may feel like you have to act a certain way or pretend to be someone you’re not to fit in with others.

The dream theme itself may indicate a feeling of unpreparedness, insecurity in a new job or social setting. 

Not knowing your lines can also symbolize a fear of failure or judgment. You may worry that you’ll make a mistake or embarrass yourself in front of others.

On a positive note, dream analysts aver that it could be a reminder to practice more, hone your skills, and refine your craft to become more competent and confident. 

The dream may also suggest that you need to seek feedback and critique from others to improve your performance.


Have you ever dreamed about someone? 

Let me know and we'll talk about it in the next blog.

(To be continued)

Saturday, May 11, 2024

For Ali And Iris

On this Mother's Day, I bring you flowers of May from our garden.

Rain-kissed peony, iris, rhododendron

It turns out great daughters also make great Moms.

Who needs superheroes when there are Moms like you?

Hoping YOU

would have an awesome day!

My Dream And Mum


 Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions. - Edgar Cayce

Haven't gotten any responses from you on your dreams! There's still time.


Now, on the topic at hand - that of dreams that helped to resolve a problem.

I had one that involved my Mum whom I remember this Mother's Day. 

You may remember me talking about siesta as my favorite time of the day. While my brothers would sleep, I'd stay awake and sit by my Mum who would be sewing or darning clothes.

You may also recall me saying that Mum always took this time to recite a litany of reminders about good manners and her myths on food and drink. Bitter melon is the secret to beauty. You won't grow tall if you drink too much coffee.

Voicelessly, I was saying, Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That one afternoon, though, she was unusually thoughtful. Peering from the pages of the komiks I was reading, I could see her furrowed brows. Her hands had slid up to her face. As she smoothed non-existent strands of hair off her forehead, she started talking about the Llenado property. I didn't understand why, but the fact was it was being claimed back by a certain Senor Pepillo.  

I was nonchalant at first until I realized that was where Lolo Gorio's and our home were situated. Mum was worried. We'd have to move out. But where to?

That night, I had a dream.

Mum and I were wandering the streets, seemingly without purpose or destination. After making the round of the neighborhood, I pointed something out to her.

'Mie! Right there. That's where we can move out to.

As we walked closer to the place, we discovered it was the same exact location where our house was situated.

As I recounted my dream, I remembered Mum looking at me as if I'd just told her about the formula for a secret rocket fuel. She breathed loud, the air coming out of her nose like wind. 

Then she hugged me.

Immediately, we got dressed and she dragged me along to Senor Pepillo's office where she pleaded for him to divide the huge property and allow us to buy the area where our house currently stood. She spoke earnestly, holding his eyes with hers to convince him of her sincerity and her interest.

I was quiet, holding my own breath. At the time, it seemed like it was just my Mum and I against the rest of the world.

Senor Pepillo remained settled in his chair, the lines in his cheeks deepening. He looked deep in thought. Then he smiled. He thrust out a hand, his handshake emphatic.

Mum's earnest plea was a winner. Only twelve or thirteen at the time, I think of Mum smiling brilliantly at me as I co-signed the deed of sale.

The dream psychologists were right. While I was asleep, my inactive mind had actively popped up a solution in my dream.

Emilia Compound: front apartment. Behind is 2nd apt which was our original home, now renovated. Apts 3 and 4 were built. afterward.

Emilia Compound now stands on the original location of our first home. 

My dream

and my Mum's

that had come true.


Shall we continue with the meaning of some more of our dreams?

Have you dreamed of flying or being chased?

Have you had any recurring dreams? 

Being naked in public? Finding money? Failing a test?

Please let me know. Include details, if you can - and we can talk about these in the next blog.

Until then, dream on!

(To be continued)


Saturday, May 4, 2024

I'm Falling


Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions. - Edgar Cayce

No dreams about falling from my faithful readers? Not too late. You can still share. 

Dreams about falling can carry a secret message. 

They could be a symbol of fear in real life. Perhaps of failing at work or in relationships?

According to another interpretation, falling dreams signify that something isn't going well. 

It might suggest that you need to rethink a choice or consider a new direction in some area of your life.

When I think back, fortunately, I've never really fully fallen in my dreams because I'd tell myself, This is only a dream. Wake up.

Perhaps, a falling dream simply indicates, Let go. Enjoy life more!


Dreams can provide solutions to a problem. Have you ever had such a dream?

Please let me know. I'm interested.

(To be continued)