Saturday, May 18, 2024

I've Forgotten My Lines



A faithful reader sent a response about a "dream often of flying."

But the flying is never effortless. I have to get a running start and jump into the air to start to fly. Sometimes it takes several tries.

Like you, dear reader, I often have dreamt of flying. However, my flight is easy and natural that even I am amazed. 

So, what do all these mean? 

According to Tony Crisp, author of Dream Dictionary, dreams about flying often have two very different sides. They can represent feelings of freedom and independence. On the other hand, they can also indicate a desire to flee or escape from the realities of life.

Another reader shared dreaming about... wait for it... a pet gerbil. It had gotten out of its cage, was all over the place, eating seeds off the cage's perimeter, and cavorting with the household cats. 

I didn't think I could find data on this topic, but here it is.

To see a gerbil in your dream means hyperactivity and vitality. It may imply that you are looking for social movement or camaraderie. Dreaming of a gerbil symbolizes subdued feelings. You are removing yourself from others so that you won't wind up getting damage.

If you see it moving back and forth, this implies that things are happening or that there is an energetic atmosphere around you.


Life's a stage and you only get one performance. Make it a good one. - Anonymous

On the subject of recurring dreams, mine is that of being on stage and not knowing my lines.

In my dream, the words had stalled in my throat. I was hesitating, frowning.

I'd try to open my mouth, but all that came out was a hiss of breath.

What is the significance of all that?

According to studies, being in a play, in the first place, can represent a sense of performance or putting on a façade in your waking life. You may feel like you have to act a certain way or pretend to be someone you’re not to fit in with others.

The dream theme itself may indicate a feeling of unpreparedness, insecurity in a new job or social setting. 

Not knowing your lines can also symbolize a fear of failure or judgment. You may worry that you’ll make a mistake or embarrass yourself in front of others.

On a positive note, dream analysts aver that it could be a reminder to practice more, hone your skills, and refine your craft to become more competent and confident. 

The dream may also suggest that you need to seek feedback and critique from others to improve your performance.


Have you ever dreamed about someone? 

Let me know and we'll talk about it in the next blog.

(To be continued)

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