Friday, December 2, 2016

Shave Ice - Super Ono!

A Creation Story of Sorts

Hawaiian shave ice is an ice-based dessert made by shaving a block of ice. Ono is a Hawaiian word meaning good to eat. 
Image result for hawaiian shaved ice

1 In the beginning Master Confectioner fashioned a funnel-shaped paper cone. 

2 Now this he coated with dry wax to seal its sides and bottom. But it was empty and void, a dark abyss. And His spirit moved upon the ice cream machine.

3 And He said, Let there be frozen confection within.

4 And Master Confectioner saw the delectable scoop, that it was good: and straight from the churn, deposited it on the bottom of the cone.

5 He deemed it to be premium vanilla.

6 And Master Confectioner said, Let there be sweetness upon this foundation.

7 Thus He gathered a handful of red beans, soft-steamed, then mashed in a soot-covered pot, and laid them over the base of His creation.

8 And Master Confectioner called the dark red paste azuki. And vanilla and azuki were the first two layers.

9 Then He said, Let these be gathered together unto one place, and let a dome appear: and it was so.

10 And Master Confectioner called the cupola of powdery flakes Snow Ice: and He saw that it was good.

11 And He said, Pack the Snow Ice in, mound upon mound: and it was so.

12 Then He brought forth balls of sweet mochi rice cake, tapioca pearls, and fruit jelly and set them in the firmament of the crystalline dome: and He saw that the potpourri of toppings was good. 

13 And Master Confectioner said, Let there be an adornment of enrichment atop the confection: and it was so.

14 Thus He made a trinity of flavors: strawberry, pineapple, and lemon.  That he called Rainbow Special.

15 And Master Confectioner said, Let it have dominion upon the spun ice.

16 So created He the Rainbow Special and Hawaiian Special companion cone - the latter topped with pineapple, coconut, and banana. These whimsical formulations created He them.

17 And Master Confectioner anointest them with a velvety cap of condensed milk.

18 And He said, Behold, I have drenched you with sugary condiments and a multitude of syrups: and it was so.

19 And Master Confectioner said unto them, Be the sweet rewards that you are: delight everyone that cometh to taste your luscious decadence.

20 And He blessed His handiwork, and He said unto them, Let there be a wide array of additional exotic flavors for these epicurean masterpieces - banana, grape, lilikoi, mango, honey dew, and lychee - over which devotees of sensuous desserts could have sovereignty as they choose.

21 And Master Confectioner saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very ono.

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