Friday, December 16, 2016

Water, Water Everywhere

The loop around the Ocean Island neighborhood is about a mile.

I saunter along the finger of land jutting out of the marina and traverse homes nestled cozily against the Ko'olau mountains. Strewn camia petals perfume my path. 

My steps quicken as I spot First Ocean peeking from behind a grassy knoll. Clearly these are waters from the bay that have found their way through the tracts of land that were laid over them. There is no defeating the Primeval Sea. 

Corpulent mountain sides come into view. Shortly after, I see Second Ocean. I follow the curve of the land back to the house.

It is with a shock of recognition that I realize that although standing on solid ground, I'm actually standing on the claimed site of an ancient fishpond and wetlands area. My imagination runs wild. Could the Sea close upon all again?

Then, I recall the words,

O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
Of course! I already know that I can fly, if only in my dreams. And now, I'm walking upon the water as though upon land in days of long ago. Buoyant in this thought, I continue on, with reverent step and slow. 

I do declare, one can walk on water - sort of - on Ocean Island.

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