Thursday, December 8, 2016

I Flit, I Float


It is a dream that has come true. A sampan ride on the Yangtze river.

I am face-to-face with the haze-covered Chongquing mountain. Enthralled by the deep canyons along the Three Gorges and the emerald waters of Wushan.

The feeling is immense: when fantasy collides with the authentic. When a layer of what can only be seen in the mind's eye superimposes itself upon that which is graphic. When that which can only be imagined transforms itself into Here and Now.

However, can that which is perceived visually be mere manufactured reality? An Illusion. A perfect copy of What Is. The shadow in Plato's cave.

And, conversely, can that which has been envisioned be the True Form? An Illusory Reality!

Alternatively, can these dual facets - or better yet, can these and other dimensions, elusive and yet unknown - actually constitute Ultimate Reality: hence resulting into a totality that will remain unfathomable?

Is a puzzlement!

My soul may never fully rise to the world of True Perception, but presently I'll savor my sampan ride on the Yangtze as a tantalizing sliver of the One Comprehensive Unity.


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