Friday, December 30, 2016

Bring the New Year On!

The year is Zero Zero NYL. In NoYearLand, the passage of time does not exist. Quotes the cuckoo, Nevermore.

Because nothing begins, nothing ends. All is Nil. What Was, What Is, and What Is To Come are not significant­­ because events are in flux. There is no pinpointing the highlights or low points of an event. Forever and a day is a moment that doesn’t come to pass.

Like players in a game of Freeze Tag, the Seasons are at a standstill. Grimy mounds of snow abut stymied growths of green on the sidewalk. The doorway to spring that comes in the morning has been shut. 

Day and Night meld, one into the other. Monday blues don't exist. Hump Day is nowhere in sight. Hours of anticipation bump erratically into those of despair. The Night of Many Dreams comes to a halt. There is no savoring the healing power of Time In Between.

Can this be bliss? The ecstatic inflow into endless time and space? But really? Or is it Blissful Blandness?

Merely this and nothing more.

Won’t it be more exciting to experience… change?! Trial and redemption?!

Watch the first peony awaken.
Struggle to overcome loss.

Revel in a world of amazing hope.

Fill the heart’s empty niche.   

Life is a balance of counterpointing elements. Death is their disarray. Heaven forbid that life on NoYearLand would deprive us of taking the first lovely breath of life when we awaken – each day, each year, each time.

Bring on 2017, and 2018, and on, and on…

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