Monday, January 14, 2019

Farewell to Azul

For Azul
January 13, 2019

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet, big or small, is one of the hardest and saddest things. But perhaps, verbalizing feelings gives closure. Sharing eases the grief as well. Here's a beautiful and heartfelt farewell from Second Daughter, printed with permission. Thank you, Iris. This will be imprinted on my heart.

I carried the cage to my car
Settling him into the back seat
Alek buckled him in
Cooing to him - Ass-ool!

Azul winters with us
Every spring when my parents return
I am relieved he has survived my watch
None of us know his age
Although he has many, many years

From the front seat
I turned to check on Azul before backing out
Sitting in his food bowl
He looked at me with bright, expectant eyes
Ready for anything!
Even a cross country trip

Azul adjusts easily to our house
He putters around the floor of his cage
The penthouse too high for his weak legs
Alek says he waddles like a penguin
His shape has become generous
Binging on plump sunflower seeds

Though awake his eyes are half closed
Perhap tired from being ancient
He always smiles
His chirp is now quiet
Still cheerful

He eats often, sleeps often
On his own time
What a life

The first real snow had fallen
I woke early and heard him tinkering
The blanket remained over his cage
Rest a little longer, Azul

When I uncovered him later
He was gone, resting against the side wall
His eyes peacefully shut
It couldn’t be, but this was it
My tears flowed all day

I nestled him in the cloth roof that topped his cage
Placing three beloved sunflower seeds by his beak
Wrapping the bundle with variegated yarn that matched his colors

Peeking into his food bowl
I smiled that he had cracked every seed

I removed his personal effects from the cage
Who knew a bird could have personal effects?
A pink gem from Alek
A cross-stitched sign that bore his name
A lock and weight on the door to keep the jailbird in
His looking glass
One last feather as a memento

My parents’ yard was blanketed in snow
I swept around until I found the bricks
His resting spot that my mom prepared
Somehow we knew the end was near
A hole already dug

I laid Azul to rest
Swept the snow back in place
Sprinkling one last meal of birdseed
Inviting his bird friends to join the celebration of life

The house already seems so quiet
No pitter patter of tiny feet
I walk by the spot of his old perch
Surprised he is not there
His memory will forever flutter my heart

Just last week Alek asked
Is there a bird heaven?
Yes, I replied easily

Azul is there now
Chirping loudly

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