Saturday, January 12, 2019

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My Special Word

Who’s with me? Who’s ready to face 2019 with your very own Special Word?

Oh, good. As you may remember (or not), mine is DIY. If I may, I’d like to showcase my early success with this word.

Come sit by me. Grab a cup of French Roast coffee and an almond biscotti. Or a glass of Chateauneuf Du Pape wine and boursin-slathered garlic-and-chives pita crackers. (Aside: I just like to work the Chateauneuf into this writing to make it seem like I wear berets and just flew in from the south of France.) 

Look at this amazing, incredible, and hopefully soon to be super-pinned DIY project.

The one crafters will talk about for generations to come.

It is a replacement for Asool's dilapidated twig domicile.

It isn't perfect. Not even close. The verticals are not perpendicular to the base in some places. A glob of glue covers the gaps between angles that don't match.

But what is stellar about it isn't the actual object itself. 

It's about believing you can create something from dollar-store craft sticks and a glue gun you've owned since the Shrinky Dink era.

It's about using your knowledge of arithmetic and basic shapes.

Applying the logic lesson that the size of the bird house needs to fit within the cage door dimension.

There is such a wonderful lesson in this crooked, lopsided avian abode.

It's about imagination and vision...

... to make something where there once were just sticks.


It is totally over-rated and over-emphasized.

The joy and beauty and the wonder of this project is the imperfection found in every line.

And the look of satisfaction from a sleepy love bird who's comfortably snuggled within.

How have you fared with your Special Word? I'm eager to hear about it.

(To be continued)

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