Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Just One Word

My Special Word

When 2018 rolled out its red carpet, our church team launched an initiative called My Special Word.

Doesn't that sound incredible and purposeful and a great way to start off the next 365 days?


... except I discovered that a year was really a long time to date a word.


At first, I was totally in. On the second week, I was starting to lose steam. And by the following month, I was so over it.

Ironically, my word was avante. Remember? It was my battle cry. Go, move forward. You heard about it because you helped edit my blurb, held up the cue card during its videotaping segment, and believed enough in it to adopt it for a churchwide spring endeavor.

But seriously.

I know. You're not surprised. Easily Bored is my middle name. Nickname: Forgetful. Pass Code: Can't Commit.

So I'm trying again. It will be a little different.

I'm choosing something to inspire me. A word to live by.

DIY (Do It Yourself).

Okay, I see you counting. I know these are three words, if you want to be picky, but sometimes you have to give yourself some slack.

This is a new day.

A new year.

What about you? I thought that you may want to choose your own One Word. Or perhaps carry over or modify what you had from the previous year.

(To be continued)

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