Saturday, January 19, 2019

Hello, Adorbs!

My Special Word

Drum roll, please...

Happy to report that I've been faithful, so far, to my DIY Special Word.

Opportunities have been serendipitous. Younger Daughter and I had just exited a cafe when a hydrangea bush with a crown of florets stopped me in my tracks.

It was on its last leg.

Dried up.

A little sad.

A little tired. Signing off and heading for Hydrangea Heaven.

When Second Granddaughter saw it later, she said, What is this dead thing?

I thought it was adorbs (a term for 'adorable' that I've borrowed from my equally adorable First Granddaughter). I wanted to preserve it for all eternity.

What do you think? Should I, or shouldn't I? 

OK, so the house is split with one abstention.

Just so you know, my decision tipped the scale in favor of the shoulds. The sprig went home with me that day.

Here's how I DIY-ed it into an easy centerpiece. It only took three minutes. Start the timer.

Looked for a red glass vase in the basement - 70 seconds.

Checked branch height so it was proportionate to the container - 10 seconds. 

Pinched off lower stem segment to shorten it - 1 second.

Went back to basement to get a couple of cattail stalks and magnolia leaves to fill the arrangement - 74 seconds. 

Casually fluffed everything for the most-pleasing placement. Do NOT over-think this step. - 15 seconds.

Got a cup of Hubby's brewing ginger green tea - 10 seconds.

Sat and enjoyed - a really long time!

Exquisite? Yes, I think so!

Oh, that was the tea. And the hydrangea centerpiece, too.

(To be continued)

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