Saturday, January 16, 2021

Crisp Apple Strudel

Favorite Things

We could have been in a traditional Salzburg market or a kantine in Munich - I really don't remember where. 

I do recall that there was a slight chill to the air and that I was hungry, focused on one of my points of interest anywhere on the globe. 


For a few moments, I ran my eyes over the culinary options in silence. 

An enticing chain of bratwurst sausage hanging from the ceiling.

Fresh local gooseberries and vegetables along with exotic treats, Bergkase          cheese, pastries and more.

Crisp apple strudel oozing with a sugary filling displayed on a shelf behind the window.

Did I just say, crisp apple strudel?

This is one of my favorite things.

I was coveting a slice of the sweet confection.

I wanted to be bathed in the fragrance of the just-baked warm strudel, wedged awkwardly on a cutting board.

I  imagined drawing my plate forward and sticking a fork into the flaky crust. Twirling it teasingly around before piercing through its filling of juicy, spiced apples.

Then gulping a bite, letting crumbs disintegrate from the dough as I bring it to my mouth.

Feeling my cheeks bulging, my mouth slimy around the corners.

Smiling, neither griping nor fretting. Loving life.

Savoring the pastry's enticing goodness, for this is the answer. Who cares what the question is.
(To be continued)

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