Saturday, January 2, 2021

Raindrops On Roses

Favorite Things

O my luve is like a red, red rose that’s newly sprung...
O my luve is like the melody that’s sweetly played in tune. - Robert Burns

So what else is new this month?


Just dreary days and a little snow and cloudy skies. All I want to do is sit under a blanket and watch Roman Holiday and Funny Face on Hulu and come out when the sunshine shows up.

So what do I do when I feel a little sad and gloomy?

As the lilting song from The Sound Of Music intones, I simply remember my favorite things.

And today I want to share them with you.



Just in case you're having a hard week.

Just in case you're a little sad.

Just in case.

Starting with raindrops on roses. 

I like watching a fine drizzle, falling shyly to wet leaves and branches, then gather into big drops that plop onto the rose florets.

I love the intoxicating scent of roses blended into the musky smell of rain. 

At night, I like that the kiss of rain in the breeze and on rose petals would hang soft and cool in the air.

I can't imagine anything else that could top the perfection of this imagery.

It speaks of luv like a red, red rose. 

Like the melody that's sweetly played in tune to the gentle murmur of the rain. 

(To be continued)

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