Monday, January 4, 2021

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart!

It seems like just yesterday when you were brand new. 

Chicago, 1973
Your life had only just begun. 

Soon after, there were so many things you could do. 

First you rolled over, then you crawled.

You learned to laugh and sit.

And stand straight and take your first steps.

Chicago, 1974

After a year of being zero, you 'blew' your first candle on a birthday cake almost as big as you.

And excitedly opened presents.

Since then, you've grown up to be sweet, tenacious, and wise - soaring confidently in your own sky.

Honolulu, 2020

Today you are you,

That is truer than true

There is no one alive

Who is youer than you.

And on this special day,

your birthday,

 I wish you, First Daughter, 

double of the best of everything!

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