Saturday, January 30, 2021

Silver White Winters That Melt Into Spring

Favorite Things

Is the spring coming? he said. What is it like?... It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine. - The Secret Garden

Winter, it’s been fun.

I love your blustery gales and your dancing flakes and your layers of snowdrifts. I know you have been trying to impress me with all that winter wonderland.

But now, truth be told, my heart has been engaged elsewhere.

By visions of red roses sprouting off the softer ground, with raindrops glistening on their buds.

By warm woolen mittens, still a solace even on longer days with gentler winds.

By home-baked apple strudels, warm off the oven. 

The racket of baby squirrels and blue jays at dawn that have come alive from muted city noises once muffled in whiteness.

Wild geese flying with the moon on their wings. 

Silver white winters that melt into the fluttery skirt of spring.

All my favorite things.

Really, thinking of them no longer makes me feel so bad.

Maybe call me next year?

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