Saturday, March 6, 2021

Sunrise Song


Life offers choices allowing us to discover a spray of overpowering colors, and hear overwhelming new sounds, and smell the intense fragrances of nature. - Erik Pevernagie

It’s almost spring.

It’s so close. I can smell it.

If you are under layers of snow or the day looks dreary and exhausting or your toes are cold and you need some fuzzy socks, no worries.

This too shall pass.

In the meantime, let me entertain you on this happy, sort-of bright day by sharing with you some delightful soundscapes of my life, then and now.

This one started my day.

The crowing of a rooster. 

Growing up, I remember always waking up to Aling Nena's tandang cackling at the break of dawn. I could picture the rooster craning his neck, opening his bill and squawking to the cadence of first light.

Oftentimes, I would just stay in bed. 

I'd wait and listen to sounds my brothers made as they slowly stirred, the sounds Nupling or Tisoy made as they stepped carefully through my lingering dreams and out the other side to the polished wood floor and cold window.

Sometimes I would wait so long I became unsure if I were asleep or awake, snuggled under my colorful Bontok handwoven blanket. The rooster's deep, loud babble was comforting.

It filled my soundscape with a promise.

The assurance that morning had broken.

(To be continued)

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