Saturday, March 20, 2021

Happy Birthday, 'Tong!

Today is my father's birthday. Mine being the day after, his standard joke was that he was only a year older than I. The consensus claim from Mum and my brothers, however, was that I had held on because I didn't want to share birthdays.

Truth, I'd feel honored, Dadee, if we do.


To the best spoiler who convinced Mum that I could join the Girl Scouts,

The most effective spider hunter,

The cheapest handy man who could construct a slide and swing from wood scraps and galvanized iron,

The one who held my hands across the street to walk to St. Mark's,

Dadee at 93 years, celebrates his especial day. Manila, March 20, 2012

And as I've just lately found out, the one who bought a used white Opel Caravan (patched with masking tape to cover up a rusty hole on its side) for the sole purpose of my being fetched home from the University --- 

Thanks for sharing your DNA.

Now we’re both amazing.

I will always set aside this day

to remember and learn from your life

and your love for me.

Dad at 87 years old. Manila, 2006

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