Saturday, March 27, 2021

Then And Now


Time has a way of eternally looping us in the same configurations. What has been before will be again. - Tanya Tagaq

The morning star had winked its tired eye. The alarm from my Motorola phone roused me up. I lay in bed for a few moments in the gray light of dawn, orienting myself to the day at hand.

What's on today's to-do list? Check my email? Search for new amigurumi patterns? Edit my upcoming blog?

As the sun rose, it lit up my room, exposing the corner for corners and the door for a door. I rose to look about me. It was a bitingly clear day.

Ah, yes. First, chamomile tea.

Then feed the blue jays and robins. The feeders must be empty, especially now that a renegade raccoon had come at night to feed on leftover millet.

And the deck floor - such a hot mess! Lilac florets and empty seed husks all over. It looked like it was auditioning for an episode of porches gone wild.

So I began sweeping up with my deluxe, rubber bristles broom. I liked its metal handle with comfort grip. It was extra wide for larger areas but ergonomic enough that it could grab dirt from hard-to-reach spots.

In consonance, I heard the sound of birds. Sounds of the city, sounds of the day, talkative young ones on their way to the bus stop. 

In my mind, I heard the sound of voices coming from a new generation.

My precious First Daughter softly intoning, Mum, did you see the chocolate almonds I got for you? I know it's your favorite.

Second Daughter, ever-attentive to my needs, sniffing my infuser. Umm... Tahitian vanilla. Infuser working all right for you, Mum? 

The sweet voice from my beautiful First Granddaughter asking, Grandma, can we play with LPSes? 

The excited voice from our Dirty Dawgs sports player par excellence urging Lolo, Wanna catch ball?

Our precocious Second Granddaughter telling Jach (that's how she calls Lolo), I have an idea. Let's make fancy drinks. You have strawberries and mint, Grandma? - and then purring, I love this family.

Many sounds, all tangled up. 

All of them running together.

Then and now, combined, fused. 

In a go-round. 

Delectable soundscapes of my life.

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