Sunday, March 21, 2021

Celebration of Spring Equinox

From The Archives 

First Daughter wrote this on my birthday last year.


Today, March 21st, my mother turns 75 years old. 

March 21 is often the first day of spring, when the vernal equinox occurs in the Northern Hemisphere. “The vernal equinox marks the moment the sun crosses the celestial equator.” Doesn’t that sound grand? It’s the date that day and night are roughly the same length of time. Sunlight equals moonlight.

It's a memorable day to herald my mother's birth - to pause, reflect, and celebrate.

Nap before First Daughter's graduation,
 Med School. Tucson, 1999

She has always looked at least 20 years younger than her age. When I was younger, people would mistake us for sisters. And it's not just in appearance that she is young. The saying 'young at heart' truly embodies her.

She regaled me with stories of her childhood and of her life in the Philippines. I can imagine a young tomboy version of my mom walking between the rice fields in the province, balancing precariously heel to toe on the raised borders. I can picture her young brothers swinging joyously on the potted plants hanging from their balcony. My mom was supposed to be babysitting them, but instead she sat obliviously reading a book. With her stories, she instilled in me family history and Filipino identity.

Gahanna Flea Market, 2018

At three years, carrying a doll against my will (above right)

She is artistic and creative - painter, potter, artist, writer, crocheter, crafter, and amigurumi creator extraordinaire.

She has a flare and sense of style all her own.

"Supermodel" - really? Photo, V.E.V. Acadia National Park, 2017

New Year's Eve, 2020

 Her style consists of vibrant colors, acrylic heels with glitter, and clashing prints. Vernal equinox, remember? 

I was always impressed that she earned a Masters in English and Comparative Literature - especially because English was not her first language.

She has three grandchildren who adore her. She is aptly named Adoracion. One of her granddaughters is named in her honor.

She has a giddy laugh that makes everyone around her smile and laugh too. However, her easy laughter makes her the least likely to win the “Try Not to Laugh Challenge”. Her own grandchildren don’t want her on their team!

She has a generous heart. Her six brothers used to say that her wallet was too stuffed and they would “help her out to make it lighter”. She frequently gave me her jewelry, clothes, and shoes if I liked them. She could never say no to our golden retriever’s begging, and slipped him morsels under the dinner table. She underprices her crafts, and sometimes gives them away freely to pleading children. 

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad Trip. Photo, I.T.V. 2019

She always has, and still does, possess these very special traits and quirks that make her uniquely her. Earlier she wrote that she was pressing pause to reflect on the before. I say that the celebration is not just of before, but of now, of today. It is spring!

Happy birthday, Mom! šŸ¤



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