Saturday, December 19, 2020

Nativity Protocols

Y’all. Me and my big toe and I stepped outside to fill the bird feeders on the deck and it was COLD.


Cold with a little chilly on top.

Seems like the good, old wintry days of Christmas are here.

But this year?

It’s anything but normal.

For starters, let's talk nativity set. Here's what it could look like, following pandemic protocols.

1. No more than four shepherds will be permitted in the manger. None of them shall be more than 65 years old or in a vulnerable category. 

2. The donkey and the lamb will have to obtain a declaration of non-contamination certified by the Department of Agriculture. 

3. The straw, moss, palm branches, and other decorations must be disinfected.

4. The choir will be restricted to one person because of the risk of contamination.

5. The Three Wise Men will be subject to a 14-day quarantine, regardless of whether or not they have tested negative for Covid. 

6. All non-essential participants such as Romans, sinners, and beggars are forbidden.

7. All will have to wear a mask and observe social distancing.

8. Joseph, Mary and Baby Jesus will be able to stay together as they form part of a family bubble.

.................... Hold on. BREAKING NEWS. This just in.

Da angel guy say:

No scared. I come fo tell you guys Good Stuff. FDA approve vaccine dat goin make you guys an all da peopo stay good inside. 

What?! How?!!

Whereas before optimism seemed suddenly lost, the world bleak, now life becomes once more a field of spring, redolent with promise.

One boy wen born dat goin take you guys outa da bad kine stuff.
He da Christ Guy, da Spesho Guy God Wen Send.

Hand-carved olive wood creche from Israel

  There is hope. 

  There will be Christmas.

  And it will be NORMAL.

May your 


be merry and safe!


  Quotations are from Luke, Hawaiian  Pidgin Bible


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