Thursday, December 24, 2020

This Is What Christmas Is All About

Christmas is sights, especially the sights of Christmas reflected in the eyes of a child. - William Saroyan

Oh, the plans I had.

I was going to write the perfect Christmas greetings. Perhaps with a few witty quotes. And pics of Thomas Kinkade-like decorated houses in our neighborhood. 

It was going to be fancy.

Until... I opened my email a few days ago and saw this photo.

Photo: First Granddaughter's Nativity, A.V.H, December 2020

Tiny, hand-crocheted figures of Mary, Joseph, the three Kings, and a donkey on a simple, rattan side table. Plus a couple of miniature, pink-antlered stuffies from McDonald's Happy Meal. They're huddled around a swaddled baby, his eyes open and alert.

It is First Granddaughter's nativity arrangement.



Unadorned. Without the sparkly, twinkly luminescence of fairy lights.

How could I not write about this? Looking at it, I felt the pulse of Christmas spirit. I heard church bells tolling a holiday for the entire world.

If there were a competition for the world’s greatest nativity...

... this would be in the running.

Because it waves a magic wand and, behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.

Because it makes us realize that the simplest things give off the greatest message of good tidings:

For unto us is born this day
in the city of David
a Saviour, which is Christ, the Lord. 

So, here’s to Christmas.

First Granddaughter, 8 years old
Especially one that we can celebrate through the 
eyes of a little girl who, in her especial way, teaches us what Christmas is all about.

That it's simply standing in rapt silence around Baby Jesus and maybe, inviting into the circle, a pink reindeer or two.

May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace,

The gladness of Christmas give you hope,

The warmth of Christmas grant you love.

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