Saturday, October 16, 2021

Fairy House


Definition: Working on craft projects when you should be doing laundry, making dinner, or cleaning house

Wishing you faeiries in your life, stardust in your soul, and magic in your days. - Janie Grissom

There’s nothing like it.


A fairy house.

That's how you can attract a fairy into your domain. Although fairies shelter under plants during the day, it is said that they do prefer a home to call their own.

At least, that's what legend says. But even if you don't believe in fairies, Second Granddaughter and I thought this was a great creative project. 

Here are its easy steps.

Imagine your fairy house. We located a spot under the crabapple tree in the backyard. We drew a rectangular shape on the ground, allowing for windows and a door. 

Gather materials. This was easy. Areas of moss that grew by the woodpile were plentiful. So were twigs and branches, bark, and tiny rocks.

Build the structure first, as Second Granddaughter said. Then, put the house together. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just measure and cut pieces that fit around the edges. If some of the lines turn out wonky, it's okay.

Take a good look at your creation.

Here is a representation of how it looked (what we built was covered with fall leaves and unphotographable at the time this piece was written).

It looked faded and vintage but inviting, tying in elements of space with the outdoors. 

Dried branches were tucked over the structure which had been amply covered with greenery and moss. The latter was draped over the side of the house.

Pebbles were scattered, leading to the main entryway. Dried nuts and bark formed a small garden around.

And finally, sit back.

Enjoy decorating brilliance at its finest.

Appreciate a makeshift structure that fosters dreams. 

Celebrate a home where fairies will find light when all grows dark.

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