Saturday, January 22, 2022

Festival Of Lights

Light Up Your Life

Light up the darkness. - Bob Marley

Have you ever considered how water retains the memory of all that is reflected in its surface and takes it and holds it in its depths? And how the deeper the water, the more it can retain, including your vision, and mirror it back to you?

I know. 

That's deep thought.

Despite my measly understanding, however, I've developed a fascination for that eerie imagery of light reflected on water, or more accurately, of light floating on water.

That was why when I heard about the Shinnyo-en Festival of Lights, I was all ears.

Each summer in Japan, people commemorate the memory of loved ones by releasing lanterns decorated with special names and symbols into local rivers and lakes.

Perhaps one day, I could witness and take this journey of light. 

When I do, I can imagine how beautiful that nocturnal atmosphere could be. 

I can see myself standing at the edge of the water just out of reach of the waves that lap at the shore. 

Above, the stars will be numerous, the sky looking like a navy blue fabric covered in thousands of polka dots.

I'd stare out at the ocean looking like the ship, just over the horizon, that I'd been waiting for all my life.

It would perhaps be a moment of recognition.

A discovery of the light within myself. 

A light that will lead me on the path towards love.


And peace.


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