Tuesday, January 4, 2022

She Lights Up Our Life

If there is ever a magical beauty that can be watched hours with great admiration, that is the beauty of a strong light falling from the everlasting skies into the heart of dimness. - Mehmet Murat Ildan


(Left to right): Baby Ali shirt, diaper safety
 pins attached to shirt, hanging crib Igorot
dolls with cardboard ALI letters

I have these small treasures.

Looking at them makes me wish sometimes that I could just rewind back to the old days... 

(Left to right): White
lace graduation dress, green tee with
ALENA name

... and press pause.

Just for a little while. 

Getting Ready For Bed.
Chicago: 1973

To this day, many years ago.

But the great paradox of parenting is that it moves in both slow motion and fast speed.

It was but a short breath before her wings were ready and she had taken flight.

This is today...

Moons and years pass by and are gone forever, but she has been our beautiful moment that has shimmered through life, our ray of light.

On this noteworthy day, we greet you, First Daughter, on your birthday. Let's light the candles and celebrate YOU.

Just remember, you're older today than yesterday,

but younger than tomorrow.

May your day be filled with blessings!

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