Saturday, January 8, 2022


Light Up Your Life 

In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. - Aaron Rose

In Phoenix where we lived some years ago and in Tlaquepaque, Sedona, I remember walking on cool December nights through the golden glow of twinkling paper lanterns.

Luminarias, they are called.

It is said that these sack adornments date back more than 300 years. The New Mexican tradition began when the Spanish villages along the Rio Grande displayed several of these unique glowing beacons along church and home walkways and on rooftops especially during the holiday season. 

For sure, merchants have made good business out of this holiday decoration.

Electrified luminarias are now readily available for purchase. On the internet, I came across a set that includes six lanterns costing between $18-$31. 

But why spend that much when you can easily DIY and make several in a hot minute? Or maybe two.

It all starts with brown paper bag lunch bags.

Fill each bag with a couple cups of sand.

Set a votive candle on top, and it's done.

Don’t you love a project like that?

It's super affordable.

I buy my supplies from the Dollar Tree (best price). You can adorn an entire walkway for peanuts.

It's super statementable.

One-of-a-kind in its simplicity. Quaint, Charming.

Most of all, it's super inspirational for the message it brings. 

That there is no darkness so dense, so menacing, or so difficult that it cannot be overcome by light.


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