Saturday, January 29, 2022

Shine On!

Light Up Your Life

Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark. - Pierce Brown

You already know I'm 'extra.' 

It’s just the way I am.

I like to overdo anything.

My daughters say I'm obsessed. Hubby says I'm over the top. They're right.

If I had my way, I'd serve double entrees, triple desserts, and mac/potato salad/ bread for carbs all at the same time at parties. 

I'd fling open all double doors to create a welcoming gesture to guests. 

And most of all, I like to light up the house at night like there is no tomorrow.


To me, pitch darkness is a scene that looks sad. I don't like it when the night sky is dark, with no moon to light the way. Or when only a sliver of moon rises, just enough to cast long shadows across the empty street.

So it is that lighting up my life and every conceivable corner of our house has become a lifelong pursuit.

Marquee lights outline the top of the free-standing partition between the dining room and the kitchen (left).

On the corner of the dining area are potted bamboo stalks and a bush with bright white LED lights (right).

The railway up the stairs and on the balcony of the second floor that overlooks the living room is festooned with a series of tiny bulbs embedded in rope lighting.

When night calls, visible through the glass walls is the full glory of the deck's lighting, casting a nice glow over the shadows blanketing the English ivy. It shines upon the lilac branches leaning in toward the house, I imagine because the house is bright inside and the lilac craves the light, like bugs.

Isn't this such a happy scenery, dreamy and malleable? 

The night may descend around me with flat and complete blankness. The sky outside may be ink black and moonless, but our home will glow.


Filled with vibrance.

And moments that twinkle.

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