Saturday, August 27, 2022

Have Suitcase, Will Travel

A Day In The Life

Recalling past trips and preparing for upcoming ones have spurred the inclusion of this travel prep scenario, rendered in modern English for easier reading.



My brain is like a world globe that spins endlessly on its axis, never slowing down, a constant blur of cities and nations and possibilities. I suppose that's what happens after visiting over the years some 54 countries on five continents, more than I ever imagined I would.  

Which actually has motivated me to develop a methodical way of packing, whether it's for a couple of weeks overseas or just a three-day weekend somewhere on the mainland.

It all starts with a spreadsheet. At least a month or so before actual departure time. It may not sound very exciting really, but it works.

On the horizontal row are laid out tops, bottoms, footwear, accessories, jewelry, and comments. 

I suppose I'm a 'just in case' packer. Just in case a formal event pops out.

I also have clothes in which to accept the Nobel Peace Prize and clothes for a funeral or spelunking.

In short, outfits for just about any occasion.

The vertical rows will have the dates, noting any special events.

For ease of use, all items for each day are packed in a baggie that's labeled, of course.

These are just the wearables.

Of course, these could change should I decide later that I could have gone with the solid tee rather than with the striped one that isn't my power look.

And yeah, there's a sub spreadsheet of essentials which includes makeup, toiletries, meds, devices, and chargers.


He packs a day or two before departure - tops.

Sometimes just minutes before leaving. 

The extent of his stash? Tees, shirt, socks, underwear: two of each. M

If possible, just one set of clothes. Just pick something that never stinks, barely needs laundry, and always looks great.

Less is more.

Actual clothing packed for upcoming two-week overseas trip. August 2022

Carrier of choice: small carry-on? Optional.

Duffel? Maybe.

A plastic bag? Preferred.

For goodness sake. You can't expect me
to fly south for the whole winter without
bringing a few things!

We're done and ready to go.


Saturday, August 20, 2022

Good Night Till It Be Morrow

A Day In The Life


(Partially based on a real event)

Scene I: Seating room on mainland home, around 9 pm

Mwa: Good even! Come, thou gentle night. Show me thy grey light.

Hubby: No, not yet. These should be hours for delights, not for necessities.

Times to repair our nature and make merry. Here, taste ye this cider, woman.

Mwa: Hark ye! This is fery fantastical. 

Hubby: Bring in the vino quickly; wine enough my health to drink. (Drinking his wine in one long quaff): Come. Let's have one other gaudy night. Some more wine here: what, ho!

Mwa: Ye gave me this and now, I want more. Derlicious!

Hubby (belting down a jigger): Yer said it, worman. I am giddy: expectation whirls me round.

Mwa (gulp, guzzle): Deez da life!

Two hours later

Hubby: To bed, to bed! sleeppp lull thossse purty eeeyes. I prithee noow, to bed! Z-Z-Z-z-zz


Spoken by Mwa

O night wid hue so blaaack! (Hic!) O night, alack, alaacck.We must awaay to bed. Fffaare thee well, good frens. 
Good nniight.

One glug, two guzzle, three gulp, floor.



Thursday, August 18, 2022

Happy Tenth!

Just a few years ago, you were a zero-year old Buckeye baby.

Today you are two-hands old. 

Whoa! A two-digit birthday! 

Welcome to a brand-new chapter of your life. 

Here's wishing that you remain...


At home with Madeline


Mama And Me. Sketch: AVS, Columbus: 2022

Left: Hug From Mana | (Right): Pearly Smiles. Honolulu: August 2022


Last day of school with BFF, Easton: 2022


May your day be filled

 with happy moments



May your smile

grow brighter

 and may all your wishes

come true...

Glass bottom boat ride. Honolulu: August 2022 

Left: The Avenue, Dublin | Right: Plain Township Swim Center, New Albany: August 2022 | Below: Surprise! Birthday girl gets a visit at school at lunch time.

Cooper's Hawk Birthday Dinner: August 18, 2022

After-Dinner Fountain Frolic. Easton Town Center

Your wings already exist, 

all you have to do

 is fly.

Happy birthday, 


  Pittsburgh Zoo: July 2022

Saturday, August 13, 2022

A Meijer Run

A Day In The Life


(Based on a real event)

Scene I: At Meijer

Hubby: Prithee, go fetch cherries, too.

Mwa: How stands the hour?

Hubby: Hasten. I pray you, don't tarry.

Mwa: I must away then. I shall find you anon at cashier's.

Mwa strolls the aisles

(Picking up wads of yarn): Beautiful yarn! Aye, and more. Yellow and pink and vermilion.

Meanwhile, by cashier's

Hubby (after ten minutes, tapping his foot and scowling like a thundercloud): Fie! fie!

Back to store aisles

Mwa (passing by the chips aisle): BOGO? This I think, there's no woman so vain that would refuse so fair an offered discount. 

(In the frozen section): Well, praised be the gods for Marie Callender's pies on sale. (Aside): There's not a sale I meet but doth salute me. A pecan pie for me and a lemon meringue pie for me, too. Very good, very excellent good.

An hour later

Mwa (victorious after perusing all of Meijer's discount sales): Never so weary. I can no further go. My legs can keep no pace with my desires. Better now hie to get the fresh fruit Hubby doth desire. Then to cashier's to pay.

Hubby (his brow deeply furrowed, looking completely miserable): Now by the faith of my fathers, what took you so long?

Mwa oblivious. They depart.


Scene II: Kitchen back home

Mwa: Empty the basket, I say. I would fain behold your eyes when you see these fresh, red, ripe strawberries you had asked me to fetch.

Hubby (his face with a strain revealing itself in the shadows around his eyes, the tense set of his jaw): AARGH!

(To be continued)

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Top O' The Morning

A Day In The Life

Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it. - George Carlin

From a certain height, men and women look the same, as if psychological and biological features were simply an accident of perspective and not something ordained by God.

Yet, they do differ in many countless ways. 

Do you suppose this is true? 

In this series, I thought it might be fun to test this theory based on data on a couple of people I know best, Hubby and myself. Plus, since I'm in the mood to go quasi-Shakespeare, I'm presenting said data via scenarios set in a 16th century one-act play. 




                                               Mwa.................. ATV

                                               Hubby............... VEVIII                     

Scene I: Seating room at home. Mwa approaches.

Mwa: Good morrow! How now? Happy days bring in another sun. Methinks it's going to be a lovely day.

Hubby (eyes glued to device): Mornin'.

Mwa (aside): He speaks. (Addressing Hubby): Heigh my hearts! Cheerly, cheerly my hearts! I wakest and takest true delight in the sight of a merry morning.

Hubby: Uurm...

Mwa (looking out the glass window): Here comes a hummingbird. By this day, it's so fair. (Addressing hummer): Were the nectar good, think you? (To Hubby): Look ye down thee and see. 

Hubby (without looking up): Yay.

Mwa: I wonder if Chippy be awaked. Hey-ho, sing hey-ho. This life is most jolly.

Hubby: Tut.

Mwa: I tell thee. I'm out of yarn. Prithee, wilt thou go with me?

Hubby (eyes rolling): Whither?

Mwa: To Meijer. Tis but a few blocks away.

Hubby (with a sigh): 'Suppose... 

Mwa: Grammercy. Come, let us to the store.

They depart.                                                      


Spoken by Mwa

'Tis well, yet once again

Let our plan go forward 

Come, to Meijer we go.

(To be continued)