Saturday, August 20, 2022

Good Night Till It Be Morrow

A Day In The Life


(Partially based on a real event)

Scene I: Seating room on mainland home, around 9 pm

Mwa: Good even! Come, thou gentle night. Show me thy grey light.

Hubby: No, not yet. These should be hours for delights, not for necessities.

Times to repair our nature and make merry. Here, taste ye this cider, woman.

Mwa: Hark ye! This is fery fantastical. 

Hubby: Bring in the vino quickly; wine enough my health to drink. (Drinking his wine in one long quaff): Come. Let's have one other gaudy night. Some more wine here: what, ho!

Mwa: Ye gave me this and now, I want more. Derlicious!

Hubby (belting down a jigger): Yer said it, worman. I am giddy: expectation whirls me round.

Mwa (gulp, guzzle): Deez da life!

Two hours later

Hubby: To bed, to bed! sleeppp lull thossse purty eeeyes. I prithee noow, to bed! Z-Z-Z-z-zz


Spoken by Mwa

O night wid hue so blaaack! (Hic!) O night, alack, alaacck.We must awaay to bed. Fffaare thee well, good frens. 
Good nniight.

One glug, two guzzle, three gulp, floor.



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