Thursday, March 21, 2024

Mhee Turning 79!

Age is an opportunity no less than youth itself, though in another dress, and as the evening twilight fades away, the sky is filled with stars, invisible by day. - Longfellow

It's here. March 21. I'm turning... (yikes!) 79 years old.

So, do I fret?

Or just smile and be proud, thinking that I'm not getting older, just becoming a classic.

Here's what I'd been up to, in days leading up to this moment.

Medallion necklace from Second Daughter, a source of comfort and assurance

Hair is an accessory. It's like jewelry for your head.

I got ready to burnish mine a dark sheen.

Life is not perfect, but my hair can be.

Aging is like fine cheese. You might be a bit moldy on the outside, but you're still delicious.

(I won't be offended if you say, "Dubious statement.")

I took time to smell the sweet, intoxicating fragrance of plumerias and rosal, and stood in awe of the colorful burst of white and red gumamelas and pink bougainvillea.

As has been my wont, I pilfered some for a gorgeous, free home arrangement.

Of course, a favorite pastime has been to search for and try new amigurumi patterns.

On a whim, I paused to talk to someone at the bus stop in front of Elk's.

As it turned out, she is a Hawaii resident doing paint sessions Tuesday mornings at Elks.

For my Dad's birthday and pre-celebration for me, I had a Barefoot Beach Cafe breakfast after a morning walk.

Hawaiian plate served in style, adorned with fresh orchid and pineapple wedge: burrito with pico sauce and strawberry/passion fruit smoothie

Today, I had planned on getting a birthday musubi snack from ABC when this came in the mail from my brothers.

A truly extraordinary treat of a candle-lit lechon!

My heart is full, no need for anything else.

Official Birthday Selfie: 'A' pendant necklace from First Daughter's gift card, maybe just in case I couldn't remember my name? Of course, I know. It's Adele, right?  (LOL)

Getting old has been like climbing a mountain. I've gotten a little out of breath, but the view is much better.

I had a cheery birthday. Time to say, Good night!

Calling it a day with Baby Seal and Big Blog, snuggle buddies from First Granddaughter and Second Daughter, respectively

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